High blood pressure leaves no clues... because it has no symptoms. See your pharmacist, help us help you.

The NHS launches blood pressure check campaign for people aged 40+

Raised blood pressure is the number one cause of pain and disability in Greater Manchester. It can increase your risk of experiencing a serious health problem like a heart attack, stroke, or dementia.

High blood pressure usually has no symptoms and millions of people will be living with raised blood pressure without knowing it.

On Monday 11th March, the NHS starts a campaign to encourage people aged 40 or above to get a free blood pressure check at their nearest participating pharmacy.

The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to get a blood pressure test.

Find a pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checks

The NHS website has a handy tool to search for your nearest participating pharmacy.

Eligibility criteria

You can get a free blood pressure check if you are aged 40 or over and live in England.

You won’t be eligible for a free blood pressure check if you have had your blood pressure checked by a healthcare professional in the past 6 months.

Top tips for healthy blood pressure

Knowing your blood pressure is the first step to doing something about it. If you find that you need to improve your blood pressure, we’d encourage you to look at our top tips for healthy blood pressure.

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