A Salford programme has been recognised for its outstanding contribution to healthcare.

Living Well Salford is a service for people with mental health needs that are too complex for primary care but don’t meet criteria for secondary care mental health services. This group of people often had no support or were unable to access support until they reached crisis point.

Salford’s Living Well offer was developed over three years, involving people with lived experience and working alongside community social prescribing offers, such as Wellbeing Matters. The full list of partners includes:

  • Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • Mind in Salford
  • Salford CCG (now part of NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care)
  • Salford City Council
  • Salford’s Primary Care Networks
  • Six Degrees Social Enterprise
  • Start – the arts based mental health charity

Together, they designed and delivered a personalised support service that started in one area of Salford, and is now being rolled out across the city, following the approval of a £3 million business case in early 2022.

The Living Well offer includes peer support workers, mental health practitioners and recovery workers that work with people on a one-to-one basis to identify and meet goals for improved mental health.

The programme, funded by the Big Lottery Fund, was one of three national sites involved in the national Living Well Programme, managed by the social enterprise, Innovation Unit.

Tom Stannard, Salford’s place-based lead at NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care said:

“The announcement that Living Well Salford has been shortlisted for the HSJ awards, in the category of Mental Health Innovation of the Year is incredibly exciting and is a testament to the hard work of all partners delivering the offer.

“Living Well Salford has been a true reflection of the spirit of Salford, with partners working together to co-design and co-produce an offer to meet the needs of people who were previously not getting the support they needed.

“Salford is proud to be at the forefront of designing new models of mental health support, and this work will inform our wider community mental health transformation plans as we embed Living Well Salford across the whole city.”

The selected winners will be announced during the awards ceremony at the Battersea Evolution Centre, London on November 17th 2022.

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