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Children’s dental surgery

Young child brushing their teeth.

Children's dental surgery

Children’s dental services operate across Greater Manchester. Your child may be under the care of a local community dental service, or our consultant-led team based in the Dental and Children’s Hospitals.  The most common procedure we perform is removal of decayed teeth, but we also offer surgical and comprehensive care such as removal of buried teeth or fillings in adult teeth.

While you wait for dental surgery

It is important that your child continues to take care of their teeth whilst they are waiting for surgery.  This will stop new holes developing.

The British Society for Paediatric Dentistry has worked with Dr Ranj to produce these helpful videos on how to look after your teeth.

This information leaflet from the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry is also helpful.

What should you do if your child’s health is deteriorating?

You should continue to see your family dentist whilst your child waits for treatment.  They can offer advice and emergency treatment and should be the first point of contact if you have any concerns. If your child is experiencing pain from dental problems, please follow the pain section advice above.

If your child has any of the symptoms below, please contact the team caring for your child as urgent care may be required:

  • A swelling inside their mouth or affecting their face.
  • Prescription of three or more courses of antibiotics.
  • Pain that cannot be managed by over-the-counter medications.
  • Pain that is resulting in self-harming behaviours.
  • Pain that is having an impact on sleeping, eating or school attendance.

Alternatively, can offer advice and guidance or call 111 for further clinical advice.

If your child has a facial swelling which is affecting their breathing or affecting their eye please attend A&E urgently

Last Updated: 12 April 2024

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