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Map of Bolton



Bolton Integrated Care Partnership
Lever Chambers
27 Ashburner Street
Bolton, BL1 1SQ


01204 462000

Key people

Fiona Noden is standing in a black and white polka dot dress in front of a wall painted with field and stone wall scene

Place-based lead:
Fiona Noden, Chief Executive, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

About us

Bolton is known for its friendly and welcoming people and its proud industrial heritage.

The borough has a population of 296,000 [2021 Census] and is made up of nine neighbourhoods: Horwich/Blackrod, Central/Great Lever, Deane/Rumworth, Farnworth/Kearsley, Breightmet/Little Lever, Crompton/Halliwell, Chorley Roads, Turton and Westhoughton.

It has lots to offer: beautiful countryside close to the West Pennine Moors, historic buildings, The Octagon Theatre, Albert Halls Bolton, countryside parks, and a world-class museum and art gallery that includes an Egyptology gallery.

Among the borough’s cultural events is Bolton Food and Drink Festival which features celebrity chefs such as James Martin, Ainsley Harriot and The Hairy Bikers. The IRONMAN UK triathlon attracts competitors from around the world and Ironkids is the world’s largest fun run.

Samuel Crompton of Bolton invented the famous spinning mule, a machine to spin cotton, in 1799. Other famous Boltonians include steeplejack Fred Dibnah, Olympian Jason Kenny, comedian Peter Kay, presenters Vernon Kay and Sara Cox, and footballer Alan Ball who was the youngest member of the England 1966 World Cup-winning team.

Bolton has a long history of working in partnership to integrate health and social care services with the shared aim of improving the health and wellbeing of all residents.

Developments include the creation of the Bolton Health and Care Partnership which has brought teams closer together to deliver and to plan and buy health and care services.

It’s more important than ever to build on these developments and ensure everyone has equal access to the the activities and support that will help them to lead a healthier life for longer, no matter where they live in the borough.

What's happening in my borough


Head and shoulders shot of a a smiling person. National HIV Testing Week 10-16 Feb 2025. I test, Itls the only way to know if I have HIV, so I can stay in control of my life.
This National HIV Testing Week were reminding people that testing is free, quick and easy.
Read more about Get involved in National HIV Testing Week


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New NHS campaign to support survivors of sexual assault and abuse
Read more about Highlighting the support available for survivors of sexual assault and abuse

Healthy Living

A mum and son sat on a sofa in a living room. The child is wearing pyjamas and his blowing his nose in to a tissue. His mum has her hand on his shoulder supportively.
Avoid A&E this half term with health advice for parents and carers
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