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Map of Manchester



Manchester Integrated Care Partnership
Manchester City Council, Town Hall Extension (THX)
Albert Square
M60 2LA (for sat navs use M2 5DB)


0161 213 1750

Key people

Tom Stannard is standing in a blue suit jacket and plae blue shirt with his arms crossed. He is standing in front of the steps of a stone and brick building with flowers to the sides.

Place-based Lead
Tom Stannard - Chief Executive of Manchester City Council

About us

The first of Britain’s great modern cities, Manchester is a diverse, multi-cultural city, home to just over 580,000 people. There are over 200 languages spoken and places of worship for most religions across the city, including churches, mosques, Buddhist centres, Jewish synagogues, and facilities for Sikh and Hindu worship.

Manchester has a history in science, politics, music, arts and sport, and boasts of 25 Nobel prize winners, code breaker and LGBTQ+ icon Alun Turing, Suffragette Leader Emmeline Pankhurst and two world famous football teams.

As a city, Manchester has made great strides in improving outcomes for its residents. Manchester Integrated Care Partnership is building on this progress, working collaboratively with partners to tackle health inequalities and make sure every resident has access to high quality, safe and efficient health and care services.

What's happening in my borough


Head and shoulders shot of a a smiling person. National HIV Testing Week 10-16 Feb 2025. I test, Itls the only way to know if I have HIV, so I can stay in control of my life.
This National HIV Testing Week were reminding people that testing is free, quick and easy.
Read more about Get involved in National HIV Testing Week


Two women are sat on a sofa with their back to the camera. One woman looks upset, the other woman has her hand on her shoulder in a supportive way. They are sat in an office.
New NHS campaign to support survivors of sexual assault and abuse
Read more about Highlighting the support available for survivors of sexual assault and abuse

Healthy Living

A mum and son sat on a sofa in a living room. The child is wearing pyjamas and his blowing his nose in to a tissue. His mum has her hand on his shoulder supportively.
Avoid A&E this half term with health advice for parents and carers
Read more about Get to Know Where to Go for health advice this half term

Show more

Launch Recite Me assistive technology