Personal wheelchair budgets
A personal wheelchair budget gives you a wider choice of wheelchair, either from NHS-commissioned services or from wheelchair providers independent of the NHS.
People who access wheelchair services, whose posture and mobility needs also impact their wider health and social care needs, have a legal right to a personal wheelchair budget.
This covers people who are referred or already registered and meet the eligibility criteria of their local wheelchair service, when they require a new wheelchair either through a change in clinical needs or in the condition of the current chair.
What can you expect?
With a personal wheelchair budget, you should expect to have:
- a personalised assessment where you are supported to identify the health and wellbeing outcomes you wish to achieve
- a care and support plan which captures the health and wellbeing outcomes identified. This may be part of any wider care plans you have, for example an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan
- care that is better integrated, meaning that different agencies work together to support your postural and mobility needs and achieve your health and wellbeing outcomes
- information provided upfront about the amount of money available in your personal wheelchair budget and the options available to you locally to use it
- information about the repair and maintenance of wheelchairs, if you choose to purchase a wheelchair outside of the NHS commissioned service.
Are you interested in the option of having a personal wheelchair budget? Please discuss this with your local NHS team or the person who carries out your wheelchair assessment or review.