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Publication scheme

Our publication scheme explains what information we make available and how it can be accessed. It is designed to support you to find information we proactively release as and when it becomes available.

There are seven classes of information in our publication scheme and at the moment all the information is available free of charge on our website. In the future, if we make information available but we do not publish it we will update our publication scheme and explain how you can access it. We will also explain any charges that may be necessary.

Information related to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Information about our decision making processes and records of decisions.

Information contained in lists and registers.

Freedom of information requests

  • Disclosure log – this is currently under development
  • Performance register – this is currently under development

Contact us

Our publication scheme page is still under development, so if you have any questions, or you are unable to find something you would expect to see here, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Click here to find the various ways you can contact us.

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