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Trafford Urgent Care Review – outcomes and next steps

NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM) has been working with partners to carry out a review of *urgent care services for the people in Trafford.

We want to ensure that access to urgent care services is simple to understand, is joined up with other parts of the health and social care system, and meets people’s needs. This has been a long-standing ambition in our Trafford Locality Plan.

Supporting the health needs assessment

Please click on the links below for more information about the initial phases to support the needs assessment:

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback, welcomed us to their established meetings or supported us to ensure a wide reach of views. Feedback was used help develop a draft priority work programme.

Considering findings of the needs assessment and developing a draft priority work programme

During October 2023, NHS GM ran a series of focus group sessions for those organisations and groups who attended earlier urgent care engagement sessions in Jan/Feb 2023.

This was to provide an update about the findings from the first stages of the review and to seek their views about the suggested draft priorities we may focus on next as part of a programme of work for 2024/25.

A further session took place in November 2023 with Trafford Deaf Partnership.

Feedback from these sessions will be used to help inform recommendations of a draft programme of work for 2024/2025.

What next?

It is expected that recommendations following the Trafford Urgent Care Review will be presented to Trafford Locality Board in early 2024.

*Urgent care generally involves any non-life-threatening illness or injury needing urgent attention which might be dealt with by phone consultation through the NHS 111 Clinical Assessment Service, pharmacy advice, out-of-hours GP appointments, and/or referral to an urgent treatment centre (UTC).

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