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Vaccinations for children and young people this winter

Two young children playing indoors as an adult looks on.Infectious diseases can be more serious children. That’s why your child is offered free and safe NHS vaccinations.

Vaccinating your child will help them to stay happy, healthy and well this winter.


Children can catch and spread flu very easily. The flu vaccine is the safest way to protect your child from the virus, which can be very unpleasant and can sometimes cause serious problems, like pneumonia.

Vaccinating your child also means that you are less likely to need to take time off work if your child can’t go to school or nursey because they are poorly.

It also helps to protect other family members, especially those who are at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu such as younger babies and grandparents.

The flu virus can change each year so it’s important that even if your child was vaccinated last year, they are vaccinated again this year.

Check what flu vaccinations you will be offered for your child

Children aged two to three can have the flu vaccine at their GP practice as a quick and painless spray in each nostril.

The nasal flu spray contains a small amount of gelatine from pigs (porcine gelatine).

If you would prefer your child to have a vaccination which does not contain gelatine, then the injection is also available. You can ask for the injection at your GP practice.

The flu injection may also be more suitable for children with allergies and other medical conditions.

How does my child get the vaccination?

You will be contacted by your child’s practice to book their vaccination from September 1.

Find out more about flu.

School aged children (from reception to year 11) are given the flu vaccine as a quick and painless nasal spray at school.

How does my child get the vaccination?

IntraHealth delivers the flu immunisation service for school-aged children in Greater Manchester.

You will receive information from IntraHealth about when your child will be vaccinated and a consent form to sign from September 1.

The nasal spray vaccine contains a small amount of gelatine from pigs (porcine gelatine).

If you would prefer your child to have a vaccination which does not contain gelatine, then an injection is also available. Make sure you tick this box on your consent form.

The flu injection may also be more suitable for children with allergies and other medical conditions.

If your child misses their vaccination at school, you can call IntraHealth on 0333 3583 397 to arrange an appointment.

  • Children who are home-schooled will be invited twice by IntraHealth and offered a flu vaccine at a community clinic.
  • If your child is four years old, but has not started school, ask their GP practice for their flu vaccination.

Babies (aged six months and over) with certain long term health conditions can also have the flu vaccine as they are at higher risk of becoming very unwell if they catch flu.

Speak to your child’s GP surgery or specialist if your baby has a health condition and you’re not sure if they’re eligible for the flu vaccine.

Children and young people aged six months and over with certain long-term health conditions, or who are immunosuppressed, can also get the Covid vaccination from October 3.

They have higher risk of getting seriously ill or needing to be admitted to hospital they catch Covid-19.

They need extra protection and vaccination reduces this risk.

Speak to your GP surgery or specialist if your baby has a health condition and you’re not sure if they’re eligible for the Covid vaccine.

FInd out how to book an appointment FInd out how to book an appointment

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