It’s not too late to get your child vaccinated against flu if they missed out at school.
The NHS in Greater Manchester urges parents to act now, as cases of flu are rising in children aged 5 to 14 years old. Children catch and spread flu easily and it can make them very poorly.
Extra flu vaccine clinics have been set up for school aged children across Greater Manchester that will start this Saturday 11th January 2025 and end on 18th January 2025.
If you have a school aged child (reception to year 11) that missed out on the flu vaccine at school, please ring Intrahealth on 03333 583 397 and choose option 1 to find the clinic closest to you.
The vast majority of children can be given the flu vaccine as a quick painless nasal spray.
Why children are offered the flu vaccine?
Infectious diseases can be more serious children.
Children can catch and spread flu very easily. The flu vaccine is the safest way to protect your child from the virus, which can be very unpleasant and can sometimes cause serious problems, like pneumonia.
Vaccinating your child also means that you are less likely to need to take time off work if your child can’t go to school or nursey because they are poorly.
It also helps to protect other family members, especially those who are at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu such as younger babies and grandparents.
Having a flu vaccine every year is important
The flu virus can change each year so it’s important that even if your child was vaccinated last year, they are vaccinated again this year.
The flu vaccine and gelatine
The nasal flu spray contains a small amount of gelatine from pigs (porcine gelatine).
If you would prefer your child to have a vaccination which does not contain gelatine, then the injection is also available.
The flu vaccine in children with allergies or other medical conditions
The vast majority of children can be given the flu vaccine as a quick painless nasal spray. A flu injection may also more suitable for children with allergies and other medical conditions
Visit our ‘Vaccinations for children and young people this winter’ pages for more information.
Book your child into a community flu vaccination clinic today
Ring Intrahealth on 03333 583 397 and choose option 1 to find the clinic closest to you and to arrange your appointment.