Health and care services across Greater Manchester will work together to improve discharge processes ahead of the busy winter period.

Greater Manchester’s first Super Multi-agency Discharge Event (MaDE) will take place over seven days from Friday 6th September 2024 to Thursday 12th September 2024.

The Super MaDE event brings together organisations from across Greater Manchester including social care, the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, primary care, community, mental health services and local hospitals. Services will work together to improve ‘patient flow’ across Greater Manchester, to unblock delays and to improve discharge processes.

As demand for hospital beds increases over the winter months, discharging people in a timely manner is important not only for their ongoing recovery but for the people who may need to be admitted to hospital after them.  Staying in hospital longer than necessary, when you are medically fit to leave, can lead to complications such as further infections, muscle loss, risk of falls, low mood and in some patients, confusion.

Whilst individual hospitals and Greater Manchester have run MaDE events previously, this event has been designed to collaborate across our health and care system to test out new ways of working ahead of winter, to learn and to improve patient experience.

The Super MaDE event is coordinated by the Greater Manchester System Control Centre (SCC), operated at NHS Greater Manchester.

If you work in health and care and want to share your views, or want to get involved, please link in with your operations teams or get in touch via

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