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Tag: vaccination

Health Advice

Dr Helen Wall, posing with a yellow Bee Network bus with our Get Winter Strong ad on the side.
We started our winter vaccination campaign ‘Get Winter Strong’ in September, and now that all appointments are open for those eligible, the campaign is gathering momentum at pace.
Read more about NHS Greater Manchester gets moving with their Winter Strong plans!

Health Advice

Measles vaccination for Greater Manchester University students and staff
Cases of measles are rising among young adults in Manchester. There has been an increase in the number of young adults (aged 16-25) catching the infection.
Read more about Measles vaccination events for Manchester universities’ students and staff

Healthy Living

Child on a swing in a park. They are wearing a red coat and a pink wooly hat.
We are are urging all parents and carers of 2–3-year-olds in Greater Manchester to book their children in for a flu vaccine ahead of the winter flu season.
Read more about NHS Greater Manchester Urges Parents To Help Protect Their Children This Winter With The Flu Vaccine

Health News

A nurse stood behind an exhibition table talking to another person. The person is holding a leaflet and reading the content. The nurse is smiling and looks to be having a conversation with the person reading the leaflet. There is an NHS banner stood behind the exhibition table
Residents in Wigan can now find out about the MMR vaccine as they order their favourite takeaway, thanks to a team of NHS nurses from the Health First.
Read more about A Side Order Of Vaccination Advice To Take Away

Health Advice

A backpack adorned with a note "back 2 school" sits in a classroom.
Parents and carers have a lot to think about ahead of a new school term but it’s important that checking their child’s vaccinations are up to date is on the list of things to do.
Read more about Make sure your child is up to date with their childhood vaccinations ahead of September
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