Simply by everyone in the city region picking two or three from the wish list below, they will be doing their part to help the NHS do what it does best – help its patients.
NHS Greater Manchester would like for Christmas:
For people’s loved ones to get home for Christmas
If a family member or loved one is being discharged from the hospital, your support can make a big difference. Making sure that their home environment is ready for their return can be arranging for necessary equipment, making sure the home is safe and comfortable. Help with any shopping, laundry, or errands. If possible, pick them up from the hospital when advised to do so to avoid delays and help them get home safely. By helping with these things, you’re supporting the NHS to have much-needed space for other patients and making it easy for your loved one to settle back at home.
For the public to stay up to date with vaccinations and screenings
By getting your vaccinations for things like flu and RSV if eligible, and attending screenings for common cancers like cervical, breast, bowel, and prostate as soon as you’re invited helps the NHS keep you well. Not being in hospital with these common viruses keeps beds and resources available for those who need it. The earlier that clinicians can diagnose cancers, the better the outcome.
For people to only go to A&E when they really need to
If it’s not an emergency, try other options like visiting your GP or a walk-in centre or pharmacy. You can also call/visit online 111 for expert advice. This means that A&E can focus on looking after the people who need urgent care the most.
For full information on Get To Know Where To Go visit: Get to know where to go | Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership.
For as many people as possible to become an NHS volunteer
Volunteering with the NHS can be a very rewarding way to support healthcare services. It also has a positive impact on your community. Please consider volunteering if you can. Roles include driving, assisting with mealtimes, hairdressing, and befriending. Search volunteering on your local hospital website.
For everyone to join the organ donation register
By signing up to be an organ donor, you are saying yes to the chance to greatly improve or save the life of someone else when you die, or in some cases while you are alive. The most commonly donated organ by a living person is a kidney. One organ donor can save up to seven lives and help many more through eye and tissue donation. For more information visit:
For NHS appointments not to be missed
If you can’t attend an NHS appointment, it’s important you get in touch to cancel or rearrange. Try to give lots of notice so the appointment can be offered to someone else.
For everyone who can to give blood
We need new blood donors from all blood types to make sure there is the right blood available for patients who need it. The NHS across England needs 4,300 blood donations every day on average to meet the needs of all its hospitals. By giving blood, you are saving lives. More information is on the Give Blood website.
For people to only order prescriptions that they need
Making sure you have the prescriptions you need is vital. It is just as important that people only order repeat prescriptions when they need, and don’t stockpile lots of medication as it can lead to shortages. So next time you go to order a repeat prescription, double check you haven’t got any in date tucked away in the cupboard. Find out more about medicines wastage.
For the public to support our health campaigns
We have lots of health campaigns about things that really matter, like quitting smoking and getting vaccinated. By supporting our messages and listening to what we share, you help improve your own health. This will also help reduce the strain on the NHS.
For everyone to be respectful of NHS staff
Finally, we ask for your patience, kindness and understanding as staff work hard to provide the best care possible at a time when the NHS is facing a lot of pressure.
Read about the Healthcare Heroes working over Christmas